Is this “new” footage of the Twin Towers real? What do you think? Old or AI?

Newly uploaded footage of the 9/11 attacks has emerged after 23 years.

Uploaded to YouTube by Kei Sugimoto, this video captures never-before-seen angles of the collapse of the World Trade Center.

The footage — some suggest — shows controlled demolition explosions during the collapse of the towers, providing a perspective that was not previously captured from the South or East of the towers.

He wrote in the YouTube description: “Footage I filmed of the World Trade Center Collapsing on 9/11/2001. Filmed from the roof of 64 St Marks Place in NYC on a Sony VX2000 with teleconverter. For historical archival purposes only.” It’s possible that someone put the video away, thinking there was enough footage out there, and only recently uncovered it. However, AI is phenomenally good so nowadays we have to ask ourselves, Is it real?